Includes consultation and follow-up advice with a suitable treatment plan, additional purchase of Nutritional supplements or Bach remedies may be required
The consultation will consist of a series of questions to highlight factors that may be the cause of any presenting symptoms.
The main emphasis will be the following:
- Promotion of Health
- Identifying factors that may be the cause of presenting symptoms
- Education of self-care and changes needed to help achieve optimal health
- Supporting the whole person- assessing not just the physical conditions but others factors that may influence health and well-being
- Food selection, preparation to encourage a healthy digestive system
System Balance using Kinesiology techniques
What is kinesiology?
Kinesiology is a non-intrusive complete form of natural health care. It is performed through light clothing and uses a variety of tools to assess and rebalance the body. Kinesiology uses muscle testing to read the energetic biofeedback system from our bodies assessing where health issues stem from and locating imbalances, energy drains and stresses that are affecting the body’s equilibrium.
The cause of an imbalance may be attributed by a variety of factors i.e. Physical, chemical, emotional and energetic. When any one of these aspects is out of balance it can have an adverse effect on all the others so all four factors are addressed cresting an overall holistic approach to maintain health
How does it work?
Meridians are energetic channels within our body systems and are linked to organs, Neurovascular points, lymphatic sites and muscle groups. By gently testing muscle responses this allows communication with the body’s innate intelligence, gaining access to systemic, structural and biochemical imbalances throughout.
Techniques are then performed to correct any imbalances using variety of lymphatic massage, nutritional supplements, electrical balancing and emotional work
What symptoms can it help with?
Low energy – Pain – Food Allergies & Sensitivities – Nutritional deficiencies – Muscular-Skeletal Problems – Digestive problems -Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – Addictions – M.E./Chronic Fatigue Symptoms. Mental Stress and Fatigue, Emotional Wellbeing
What are the possible outcomes?
Correcting the imbalances and following a treatment plan may give relief and restore a feeling of lightness, improved energy, health and well-being.
What happens during a treatment?
You will lie on the couch fully clothed and I will perform a series of tests on several muscles that link to major organs, lymphatic sites and Neurovascular points. I will be testing deficiencies with multiple nutritional supplements and Bach Remedies placed on your body. The treatment can last from 60 to 90 minutes and follow up treatment may be advised. Nutritional supplements may be required to help the body return to homeostasis along with elimination of foods that may have a negative effect.